Can any owner of a 1974 250 - 6 cyl. Comet please tell me the actual length of their transmissionsdipstick? Mine is 11" in which several members have already told me it's too short (which does me o good) when all I want to know is how long it's actually supposed to be so I can buy the proper lengthed one? Thank you
Sounds like mine in my 74 Comet...There is one in the AutoKrafters catalog. That's not top in my list, so I don't know I thinks its like $19.
i have a 250/c4 combo in my 73 maverick and just went out and measured the dipstick....23 inches from tip to tip.
Pictures of Transmission Dipstick in my 74 Comet - Verify? Here are the pictures of the transmission dipstick in my 1974 Comet / 250 - 6 cyl. which I am attempting to verify as being the correct length.