Hello to all, I have an orignal 1977 mecury comet with less then 45k miles on it.. I am trying to get clasic car insurance on it, is there a web site that could poss tell me how much it is worth? it all orignal never restored. and in excelent condition inside and out. i have photo's if needed.. Thank you.
to the board. There's quite a few companies that do classic insurance. I got mine thru State Farm. I'm sure others will chime in....
1977 comet Thank you, Well the company i was looking at was AAA but on a agreed apon value just for a quote was 3500. and it was 87 a year.. but im thinking that 3500. is alittle low.
3-4 grand does seem about the right ball park but pics would help idk how old you are but with most classic car companies you need to be at least 25 with a good driving record. and with all the ones ive seen you need a locked indoor place to keep the car as well
Look in to Hagerty insurance for the classic cars. Very affordable, and will work with you on determining the agreed value.
Pictures of the car would help. I'm going to say 3,000 - 3,500 sounds about right if it's a V8 car in excellent condition inside, outside, and clean underneath. And even that may be pushing it a little. The fact that it is a big bumpered 4 door hurts the value quite a bit.
Howdy and I have Hagerty and you tell them what is worth. If it is in really nice shape, I would not insure it for less that $10,000. I have my Sprint insured for $28K and its less than $300 per year.
I had $4,000 thru State Farm @ like $85 a year. This is for non-daily use, drive to shows, etc only. Most good companies will let you set a value. They will most likely ask for pictures of the car and maybe an inspection for damage or condition be prepared.