This is the Identically equipped car that my Dad bought in 1972 and the reason for me getting into Mavericks. If I had a tiny bit more Cash and a little less sense I would be on my way to Wisconsin about right now.... Damn why do these things always come up at the wrong time for me... Less than an hour left in the auction and nobody has bid on it and the opening bid is only $2000... Dam !!! I really hate to pass on this one
I have seen a few that were close to being the same as the one Dad had but never have I seen another that was exactly the same like this one. Minus the add on Mustang Wing of course. Most of the 1972 red Grabbers I have seen are either bucket seat or floor shift cars or some minor difference but his one...if you took the Mustang Spoiler off the back and parked it side by side with my Dad's old Maverick it would be like looking at Identical Twins or a mirror image. As far as the rust goes, It doesn't look too bad, the torque boxes can be fabed up and welded in and the rest is just a matter of cutting it out and welding in a few peices of sheet metal. The one Dad gave me had the rot in the front fenders, same as the one in the auction PLUS Dad dumped a ripped bag a fertilizer in the trunk of his and rotted the trunk and rear quarter out way up past the Grabber stripes and I put all that back using just sheet metal, a few body and fender hammers and dollies and a bunch of countersunk pop rivets. I had all the sheet metal replaced and ALMOST ready for Paint when Dad made the decision that I was too squirrelly for a V8 in a Maverick and conned me into selling it. Man doesn't looking at the pictures of the one in that auction bring back memories of how I spent ever spare minute banging and bending metal and bondo and listening to the 8 track that I installed in that car so I would have tunes while I was working on it...... Fun times.....
My thoughts exactly. When you can see daylight clear through the torque box, that can't be good. And no buckets! Why no trim on the hood, because it fell off from rust? 2 grand seems a little steep.
Of course you wouldn't because it doesn't look anything like the one your Dad bought from Ford Brand Ne in 1972...LOL On the other hand I probably would if I weren't so damn tight and cheap and I weren't in the middle of having 70 grand worth of Remodeling done to my house...LOL As far as the trim on the hood I don't know why it isn't there because the guy sent me pictures of the car and the under side of the hood and it doesn't appear to be rusted.... My thought was someone probably found out that you can get around $100 for that damn silly piece of trim and sold it on Ebay..hahahaha The one on my car is missing too and my hood doesn't have any rust in the front edge.....But it was missing when I bought the car and I am too tight to spend the kind of $$$ people are asking for that one piece of trim
The seller is a member on the forum. Same name as the auction. He had the stock looking Grabber with the blower poking through the Grabber hood.
Just from the rust they mentioned and pictured.....seems like a rust bucket to me. Still.....I think the price is probably fair if one needed all those parts. If parted out....all the stuff could probably bring $2000.
looks like a good parts car to me. i understand where you come from and why you would want the car, but there are better ones out there and could prolly find a better one for $2000.... not to mention, a red Grabber seems to be the most common from what i have seen
Well the auction ende with no bids. I may be stupid but I have never been one that was scared of rust. I am more leary about doing a job like swapping from an automatic to a 4 speed than I am about cutting and welding in new metal. Like I said The one my dad gave me was much worse than that one (minus the torque boxes being rotted) and I put that one back together and it looked good when I sold it.... But all and all I think you all are right it is too much rust for that price, unless I was going to pull all the parts (engine, tranny and all the grabber stuff) on my car and then junk the other car, then it would probably be worth $2000 in the parts alone. But it was really too far away and being from Wisconsin there was probably way more rust than showed in the pictures and description so I shall keep looking. In fact there is one on Ebay right now that is in better shape I am going to throw some bids at....Ias long as the bidding doesn't get too high I will probably buy it...It's going to get me in trouble with the wife but I already told her it is easier to beg forgivness than gain permission.... So I'll keep you all up to date if I bid or buy the one that I am eyeballing now.