Technically, you have 30 days from entering the state to re-register the car in California, unless you are in the military. If you pay California taxes, be aware that they cross check tax returns with DMV, and the courts to make sure that you have paid all your tickets, child support, etc. With computers, it is very easy to get caught in these cross checks. Good luck. I had a 76 Mav that required a NOX kit be installed on the engine before they would allow me to register it. The NOX kit consisted of a $30 sticker, retarding the timing to 3 degrees advanced and something to do with the vacuum advance on the distributor. The car ran like crap, created MORE NOx emmissions and got worse fuel economy. So I passed the test after making the changes, drove away from the smog station and retuned the engine. Got back something like 3 miles per gallon and all the lost performance. Man, I hate California politicians. BTW, Diane Fienstien (D-California) has introduced a nation wide "clunker scrapping" program. It will probably pass. Been tried in CA and failed to do any good in cleaning up the environment. So it must be implemented nationally, right? More "change" we don't need.
in that case i can sell the car to my girlfriend's parents (for nothing... just saying that i sold it to them) so the car will be under their name and their adress in nebraska. there is no law forbiding you to get tickets in an other state, right?
If you are pulled over while driving a car registered to an out-of-state address then the car might be impounded. You will have to have a California license and the car will have to be licensed there as well - if you are going to drive it.
not at all cases, pending on the cop(s) of how much an a** hole he/she can be. but the rules are correct above
Best thing to do.....stay the heck out of California! With the political climate out there, I don't know why anybody would want to live there. As a matter of fact, I heard the other day that more people moved out of there last year than moved in. Now in a few years when the Mexicans take it back over, it might be different....:evilsmile
wow.... that's a ridiculous law... means if one day you wreck your car and your parents or a friend live in another state and decide to let you drive their car for a while (time for you to get the money to get a new car), you can't???:16suspect my girlfriend and I have been living for a whole year in SF with her parent's car from nebraska (yeah, we drove it all the way to cali), never had a problem... but like you say, may be we only got nice cops
LMOA wait untill you get pulled over by Daly City, Brisbane, or more of peninsula cops... theyre more of an A$$
It's hard for me to believe that if you get pulled over and are driving her parents car that is tagged in another state that it will be impounded. For all they know, her parents are at your house and you went to get a gallon of milk at the store. Now, if the car and insurance are registered in your name, that might be a different story. I'm not sure how California would handle it, but here you were get a "firm talking to" and potentially a ticket.
that's what i think too... that's why i'm probably gonna register the car under their name and adress here in nebraska before living for california. or do like some said... change the title for a 75 or older
i wish its so easy to say that but each month towards to the end of a month, cops like to get their quota... its think thats
In The LA area they have "spot checks" where they pull over cars to check registration and emmission stickers. You just have to be driving to get pulled over in that case. California has the strictest car regs in the nation. Thats why I don't live there.