Can I cut out the brace behind the the back seat without hurting the car. I want to install subwooferes in the trunk but the X brace is in the way. Can I remove the X brace behind the rear seat without comprisemizing the strusctral intregrety of the car ( sorry about spelling)
You will compromise the package will rattle and squeak with the braces out. Not a biggie if you dont mind the errant squeak/rattle.
I cut out the "x braces" on my beater, welded in a sheet of 18 gauge steel, put in the holes for the sub woofers and then welded in new braces to support the package shelf and keep the 18 gauge steel from flexing. Over all, the car squeaks less, flexes less when being jacked from the rear spring mount point and the amount of noise from the back of the car has dropped dramatically. Total time invested was about 1/2 day.