ok i just started having major issues w/ my new engine.... the rpms are fluctuating between 1000 and 1300. my car wont idle, and minor over heating.... ive checked the points and the advance plate where the points are mounted moves.... and i also checked all vacuum hoses for leaks and so on. what could be causing all this? Not to mention my jeep is over heating also ( it maxed out my temp gauge from bottom to red zone in less than a mile. Any help will be great if you know what might be causing problems. right now i am with out an car. Thomas
when i tryed to adjust the carb nothing happened.... i also put my hand over the mouth of the carb and it didnt change just choked.
Try burning higher octane gas. Regular gas now days is a lot less octane than it was in the 70's. Like Jamie said, check your timing. Too much timing will make them run hot
you sure the temperature reading is accurate? the erratic RPM can be vacuum leak somewhere too. Does the engine rev up ok?
Hello: You might inspect your Vacuum Advance on the distributor. If this is sticking, it will cause overheating AND poor idle characteristics . I'm in the process of replacing one now on a Maverick. Same type conditions .. runs hot when idling .. idles poorly .. etc. Turned out to be "stuck" advance. I wish you success. Cometized
I'm not sure about that, from what I have learned about the vacuum advance, as long as everything else is functioning ok, a faulty vacuum advance should do nothing. Now, if it isn't functioning you will idle a little rougher and you won't have as good of a gas milage on freeway cruising because it won't advance the spark which means you can't burn the leaner fuel mixture as well.
Need details. New engine? Or new to you? Holley 4v carb? Jeep sounds like a bad thermostat. When it is showing hot make sure both hoses from rad are the same temp.
ok the engine is a rebuilt 250. i cant find any vacuum leaks any where i look. I'm running 91 octane gas (unleaded plus from shell). I'm going to be running a compression check on both cars. might swap over to a duraspark electronic to see if it helps. might also do a complete tune up (when i do the dizzy). i need the g/f jeep going by Wednesday so she can go to a job interview.
Swap the points out. Check the timing. After that, it is the carb probably. Make sure your firing order is correct.
firing order is correct. (its marked on the cap...) ... i just need to start an up grade list. more money spent before i even get it.
hopefully monday ill have a dizzy, and my friend will rebuild my carb. i knew i should have just machined the head to accept my holly 500 2bbl. life would have been so much easyer. and i should have done the dizzy when i had the wiring harness torn apart....