Well, I had decided it would not make sense to revive my '74 since it has leaky cowls, rusted floor pans, and horrible quarters. So I've been looking for another car ... which I found and bought ... off ebay. The car came from arizona, and has made it's way to New Jersey(I'm in Maryland), and I won the bid for under a grand. ... The potential bad news is, the guy was out of town so I did not get to see the car in person. He had a 100% rating and everything seems legit based on a few additional questions I got answered. I may be a sucker, and I will know for sure on Sunday when I pick it up, but I could not resist and it would seem, for that price I can't get totally burned. We shall see. Could be OR OR OR OR Here it is http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...0662272885&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWNX:IT
Yes nice wheels, but it is a 4 lug car. That's not an issue though, cause I already have a granada disk set up and the 5-lug rear from my '74. Planned to sell the wheels and get a little money back. This car really works for me given my newly designated "parts car" which is a factory V8. Just hoping it's as rust free as I have been lead to believe. Very rare here in the North East.
I think you did fine at that price. You may just decide to keep it a 6 cylinder once you drive it. Toss in the Granada brakes, swap the rear and you would be almost done!
I'll pass. Don't know what I want to get yet, but I know the rear wheels will need to be 8" wide. I'm building a true street strip car with an AOD for the street and 4.11 gears for the strip
I already have a rebuilt 351 windsor, crites headers, and a B&M street strip AOD. No looking back on the drivetrain choice
Looks pretty decent! In parts alone its worth it. Hope it turns out to be rust free. My car was a AZ/CA car all its life and it still rotted out the cowls.
The deed is done and the final assessment on the smiley scale of: OR OR OR OR is somewhere between AND , but closer to ... I'm very happy. It did have a couple of pin holes in the passenger quarter and had a small patch on the drivers side quarter. Other than that, I could not find any rust including under the hood lip, except a couple of minor surface rust spots. Very solid car. I didn't have him fire the motor since the price was set, I saw what I needed to see, and we had a 5+ hour drive back home. On a down note, I had to dish out about 100 bucks in tolls. Quite literally, that is HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!!
I've done that drive myself...the tolls are intolerable! But I'm glad to hear that you came across a close to rust free car. I bought mine in Minnesota and lucked out since it was a Nevada car and had zero rust anywhere. Sometimes you just come across a deal of a lifetime!