i have another issue i just purchased the manuel for this car put this is no good picture of the vacuum lines. can anyone tell post of picture of there vacuum lines so i could see what is going on with this car. or maybe someone can lead me to a web site or something. i will post a picture asap so yall can take a look and see what i'm going through. thanks.
Man, I don't know about California emission laws, but I did away with a bunch of vacuum lines on my 200. Pretty much now just running the distributor, vacuum reservoir and transmission off mine now. Once you get some photos posted and know what you can and can't do, I'd be happy to share my limited knowledge.
http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/74Vac.html Here's a link i found for the 74 mav vacuum lines can anyone break this down for me? aan cali has no emission laws for 1974 cars. but this car is running rough in drive and is idling very high in park.
That awesome website is Jeff's in Georgia, a member on here (rthomas771). http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/diagrams/emission.html Mark, up in Michigan, another member (MavMark), has an outstanding website also for diagrams: http://www.maverickcomet.com/Repair/Repair.asp
Can anyone tell me what the vacuum lines are on the carb. can find the name for the even in the manuel?
as for emission laws in california, vehicles 75 or older dont have to worry bout smog or anything like that. Its from 76 and newer that need to be smogged i believe.
ok so check this out, so i moved some of the vacuum line and drove the car around. now im hearing this ticking sound coming from the dash does anyone know what this could be. put the line back the way i thought they went but still got that sound any ideas????
Sounds like you've got a vacuum controlled air diverter (defrost,vents, floor, etc) hung up. It probably got in a "jammed" position when the vacuum hose was changed around. See if you can get it to click again and you might be able to gently get the control arm that controls the vacuum operated device back into working position.
ok how would i go about doing that, really dont know much about cars. any help would be great right about now. and thanks for the advice glade to know that there are people out there that are still willing to help someone out.
and some more pictures i dont understand the vacuum diagram so any and all help is welcomed. thanks guys.
Here's a couple of photos of what I'm left with after scaling back on the number of vaccum lines, switching to electric choke carb and doing away with the EGR carb spacer. Mine is a 73 200 six.
thanks thats a big help i see that i have some line connected wrong. im just not sure what to do with the egr valve and where it should be connected to, any ideas? oh and sweet rides man.