I have heard that there is a computer program where you put in your vehicles particulars and it will give you your ET and speed in a quarter mile. Does this really exist? If so, does it work? And, where do I find it on the net? A friend wants to know what gear ratio will be best for his car, without the old "try every ratio you can get" method. OK, I admit it. I'd like know this kind of stuff also. I have several sets of gears already in 9" pumpkins ready to go in the Comrick's rear end. Thanks for any assistance, Sopp
There are several on the web. Google for gear ratio calculator and you should see some. Might not have everything he needs. I also use desktop dyno, but dont remember if it will calculate et and trap speed.
Computers are great but there is nothing like "The Real World"! If you want a real fun site that will bend you mind with calculations and also allow you to build your own car/engine/trans/rearend/gears/tires.......etc., check out; http://www.hipermath.com/ And you can even win money for being the fastest.............join, it's free.
Desktop Dyno http://www.jegs.com/i/Comp+Cams/249/186011/10002/-1 Desktop Drag http://www.jegs.com/i/Comp+Cams/249/186401/10002/-1
Just FYI...Once you are on the road, download "aDyno" on your droid, maybe iphone too, and set it up in your car. It will actually record your acceleration, 60' time, 1/8 and 1/4 times and speeds. And a bunch of other stuff, as well. You can put in your car's specs, weight, etc, and it will calculate your actual rwhp as accurate as you can input your specs. The app still has a few bugs, but now works pretty good. I grabbed it when it first came out and it was so buggy that I never got an a full run. But now it works about 80% of the time.
I like this app so much i sold my g-tech unit With the right weight specs and setup its usually within a tenth of being right on timed runs, my cavalier runs 11.15 in the 1/8th and a-dyno shows 11.30 which is good enough for me vs the real thing.
I have tried several of the dynos for droid, and aDyno is the only one that works a crap. There was one that was promising...it activated itself automatically by sensing when you take off, but it was so buggy I couldn't get a single reading out of it, so I uninstalled it. Let us know how the Pocket Dyno works on iPhone. My wife has one, so I may use it on hers to see if it compares to aDyno on droid.
Hmmmmm, that sounds good, but to do that I'm gonna need at least 1/2 mile of extension phone cord, plus I'm not sure how to download an app to my rotory dial phone. I do have a computer though. I guess I could get a 12 volt to 110 volt converter and.................................naaa, this is getting way to confusing. I'll stick with the ones you've told me about on the computer. Thanks again, Sopp