Soooooo....has anyone taken a stock seat out of a maverick and modified them so they can recline? I am using the buckets out of a '76, looks doable, but idk... thoughts?
anything is possible. the tricky part will be adapting a reclining mechanism to the stock seat frames.
I had LDO seats in my 72 Comet that reclined but my 72 Mav with sport buckets don't. I'm sure it's possible with some fabrication skills.
I have a set of ldo buckets in mine and they also recline. They are from a 77 and mine is a 77, so they were a easy swap. Sounds like a big job to change. Maybe check with a upolstery shop and get their opinion.
My current 73 maverick and previous 74 have the same seats and they all recline. Very nicely too. Big comfy tan seats.