This is the set-up i and others have used but i couldn't get enough throw out of their master so i bought a Willwood with a differnt bore...The new master is about $60.00
Why is it that everyone is only concerned about the overdrive and never the rest of the gears..... pssttt there are 5 gears in the box not just one. First things first you need to see what the transmission is for is it a 4 banger car... well if it is then dont bother. The 6 is doable if it is a late enough one, the early ones arent worth it. Also you need too see if it is a WC transmission or not (World Class) the non world class transmisssions are notorously weak. Next you need too see what gear ratio it has in it, some of the T5s had a 3.70 first gear and the 4.11 gears would end up leaving you to shift at about 8 mph from 1st gear to 2nd gear effectually making your transmission a 4 speed with a granny low... Well that is unless you like to redline your engine at 6000rpm every time you leave the stop sign. Oh and the Fox body crossmember is just garbage too you I am running a 3/4" bore Wilwood and the stock pedal assembly, this thread shows how I set it up. The transmission is different but the pedal assembly is what you are concerned with. I started talking about it in post number 4, showed the engine bay pics in post 9, and in post 11 I showed how I hooked it all up inside the car, it was actually a really easy install, i dont know why people (yes including me as the pictures prove) try too make it harder then it actually is. Of course the answer to the big question is yes after a year of daily driving I have not had any problems with my clutch in this configuration, that and I love my 5 speed.
Do you think a Wilwood master that is 1 1/8" (bore) is too big? The only reason I ask, is I can get a killer deal on 2 of them, new in the box....
If I order the cnc kit from poly performance: Which slave will work some say the universal? Will the built on resovoir be too tall to fit under the dash (doubtful) Should I purchase the pedal ONLY; then buy the rosehill performance wilwood master and the slave/bracket? Since it seems that place has done the specific swap and his kit with master on the cnc pedal should have all the kinks worked out?
The CNC 305 slave is the one that fits the brackets sold for the T5, some call it the universal style compared to the longer VW style. Im not sure which master cylnders will fit the CNC pedal bracket, might be able to mix and match but Id just get it as a kit with master and pesal, easier and probably cheaper. then Rosehill sells the whole slave setup with mount, slave, and rod all together. I wouldnt do the reservoir on the master. It has been done but its pretty tight under the dash and I couldnt imagine trying to fill or check the fluid in it. Sure would be a pain in the butt when it comes time to bleeding the setup. I went through a quart of fluid trying to bleed my system, and had to tilt the master cylinder up to get the air out of it.
The more I go with this, the easier it would be to just get rid of the power brake booster. Maybe then I could just use a firewall mount pedal. Save alot of headache.
I doubt you are missing the bracket that the mount the pedal bracket too. It is part of the steering column mount more then part of the pedal mount. Yo uhave to remove the lower plastix trrim piece that goes around the column where it meats the dash.
the AOD was much simpler, you are probably about the same cost buying a good used AOD and a good used T5. Get an aftermarket floor shifter and the AOD is a piece of cake. If you were near Phx. Az we could sell you a whole AOD swap out of my brothers falcon, he is going to do a t5 swap instead.
I have a BM floor shifter. I am set on making this work somehow. Even if I just pay someone to fab the clutch pedal setup, that is the only issue I have.
Here's my master on the left side of pic....It's a reverse swing CNC pedal assembly but i had to replace their master with a Willwood one in order to get enough throw to operate the clutch...A bracket had to be made to bolt to this pedal assembly and run forward to mount to the firewall to stabilize it....I used a CNC slave cylinder mounted to the T5 by a bracket i made.....While it wasn't that difficult to do this set-up it does require some fabrication but i definitely wanted the T5.....If you really don't care about the manual or automatic, the auto would probably be simpler If you're looking to keep the interior stock looking this isn't the way to go..