Who has experience with these? Can anyone give me some info on them regarding ones used to EFI applications? I came across race pumps, interesting product. http://www.racepumps.com/FuelPumps-Street.html
Interesting design it probably works fairly well. One thing I found I dont like when I was reading the instructions was the fact they make this statement in their instructions "A fuel pressure regulator must be used. The Race Pumps regulators are the only regulators designed to work with the Race Pump." http://www.racepumps.com/1701%20Instructions.htm now that wouldnt mean that much of a difference too me I would just buy the regulator I wanted but I headed over and looked at their regulators and saw this right off the bat on most of the regulators... "Idle Bleed For Vapor Lock Prevention" http://www.racepumps.com/Regulators-Street.html http://www.racepumps.com/regulator.html Lack of Vapor lock is one of the reasons EFI is becoming the method of choice. If the pump contributes to vapor lock it might not be the best fuel delivery method. Unfortunitely I dont know much about them and sad to say there is not that much information on the internet about them so hopefully you can find the information you need on them. I did find this though http://www.chevelles.com/forums/showthread.php?t=272988 http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=127890 http://www.theturboforums.com/smf/t...hanical-fuel-pumpboost/msg1526872/#msg1526872 http://www.theturboforums.com/smf/newbie-tech-forum/racepumps-com-fuelpumps/ http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=429679 ... (the 1 pressure regulator for fuel bowl on the carburetor was a little different) http://racepumps.com/New Plumbing/Plumbing 56.swf