Greetings Maverick People . I'm in need of some help . I just recently got done finishing my car with my dad. (I have a 75 Dart Sport.) . Just yesterday, My friend Kaleb bought a 71 Maverick in very poor condition, but running, for 950 . The main problem ? His parents aren't very enthusiastic about it, and can't see the major potential in this car as Kaleb and I do . Kaleb is turning 17 this week . I'm 16 . I have my cousin, Robbie, who is 15, and Bailey, Kalebs little brother, who is 14 . The problem, is we're youngins working on this car . Robbie and I have been around cars all our lives, so we're the most educated in this dilemma. So, we can get through most of this . I'm generally better at body work (my dad has been a body worker and painter all of his life and taught me a few things.) and the combined knowledge of Robbie and I in the interior will work out just fine . Robbie is more of the mechanic . I know a little myself, but Robbie is definitely superior . My plee to you ? Well, as previously stated, we're still in highschool, paying for this car with our money, and even though we've worked on cars before, none of us have done a Maverick or even a Comet . We'll need some guidance . And parts . Lots of parts . Literally, ANY help would be greatly appreciated . We've began taking out the seats(don't worry, not factory or repop, the guy who owned it before us tried to install 90's mustang power seats, and installed them crooked and while ripped .) We've taken out the passenger side seat, and the carpet on the passenger side . Tomorrow we're taking out the drivers side seat and carpet . We need help , and LOTS of it . I know how to fix surface rust and rust holes and all that, but I'm not sure what a Maverick interior SHOULD look like . Can anybody provide multiple pictures of a nice interior of a 71 ? and Just in case, below I'll provide a list of things so far we need for the car . Dash Pad . Bumpers. HeadLiner . Antenna Emblems . Back Seat. I've looked for pictures of interiors of a 71 to see just all we're missing and that's mainly why the list is so small at the moment. We need something to base it off of . Any help is greatly appreciated, again . If any knowledge on part sites also, with okay prices, please provide if possible . Only two out of us four teens have paying jobs . So we need the best prices available . Thank you for any help provided . If you need any pictures of how it looks now, I'll post if I have them or I'll take them and post as soon as possible.
wow...sounds like a big project. There are many pice in the galleries.. I have a 72... is yours a two door? there is a wanted and for sale section here... and ebay is a great place to get parts.. post pics if you can.. 950?? In cali I see a lot of nice mavs and comets going cheap... under 2,000.00 check craigs list it sounds like you might be spending too much by the time your finished.. Antenna emblems are cheap but bumpers that are nice are usually 200-300... each
Sorry, probably a dumb question, but how do I find the "Wanted and For Sale" section here. And yes, it's a 2-door .
Welcome from Northern California! What part of Ca. are you in? You can get some of that stuff(emblems, headliner, etc) on ebay, but the bigger items(bumper, back seat, etc) you might want to check the classified ads here or even your local craigslist.
no not dumb... click on the icon upper left says Maverick Comet ...takes you to home page with catagories
check out craigs list Los Angeles.. lots of stuff always..under auto parts and cars for sale. and if that car is a rough as you say might wanna rethink this and get something a little better.. cheaper ...
I just went through the same thing also new to mavs but a long time body and paint guy. Under the advisement and through a lil research i found the first one i was going to cost way more than one i could buy so i picked up a grabber pretty clean for about 1100
from Northeast Pennsylvania Check out the Technical catagory on this forum - some of the threads may help you out Also click on "My Images" under each members avatar and also go to the Gallerys to view other member's builds and you may just get the interior pictures that you are looking for
From the Bay Area. Not sure where you are in the Bay Area but I'm in South San Jose. If you need help or advise I am retired, but just ask. My Maverick is a drag only car, but it is fairly stock on the outside and only has one race seat....does have the stock dash and door and side panels. There are a lot of cars for sales in and around The Bay Area plus parts, just use
This is all I got left is my pics, it was of course a custom colored interior but the seats are original design to a Maverick......