For those travelling to Dubuque for the Gathering, there is some road construction going on just south of the Dubuque city limits on Highway 61. The 4-lane is down to two lanes for about 2 miles and during peak drive times, traffic can get backed up. If you are from a large city, you would deal with far worse everey day, but if you can take an alternate route, that doesn't take you too far out of the way, it might be the better choice.
Wilbur, You will go through the construction that way, but in the middle of the week, it shouldn't be too backed up. There is a way to bypass it. If you see things bottled up, give me a call on my cell 563-313-8746 and I will talk you around it. That route will also be shorter, even without construction.
Are you driving the Maverick or trailering? I can email you a map of the short cut. One route has a steep hill that I will avoid if you are pulling your trailer.