hey jean doll do you guys only do factory style paint jobs? or can you do flames and what not? the cars that have came out that Ive seen from you were super nice maybe even nicer than they were new. I havent seen many comets or mavericks with a nice flame job on it.
We pretty much stick to un-fancy paint jobs. Neither my husband nor I have any experience with custom flame paint jobs. The more elaborate the paint job the more the cost of materials and labor goes up and most people where I live don't want to spend that kind of money on their cars. Only the folks who can afford a tricked out street rod seem to have flame paint jobs on their cars. But then again they don't seem to mind dumping 50 or 60 grand or more into their street rods.
thanks for the reply. I was hoping to hear you folks did some stuff like that. it would be super cool to see a flame job that came from someone with as much dedication and talent as you folks. the cars that come from your place are always worthy of plenty of drool thats for sure.