Hello, I'm looking for a reputable engine shop in the So Cal Area that can machine my straight 6 block and head; both 1978. I would like to have the intake log milled to add a two barrel carburetor as well. If anyone has some referrals I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time. Rich
Ambitious project for the small block six Ford. Can''t help with Cal' shops but we'd sure like to see some Build' pics ... . ... some hard core enthusiasts after yawning past all the 347'd Fords and the 350/350 and LS'd anycar parts catalog builds, opt for the native Maverick/Comet - Small Block Six pushed from it's simple original form to modern power levels with available upgrades. . https://fordsix.com/ . have fun . '74 Maverick 250, 61 Comet - 'Small Block Six' . .
Unless you super or turbo charge, the 200's performance below 4000 RPM will always be poor. There are a few on here that can give boost pointers. See? Powerband posted while I was pecking the keyboard. By itself, a two bbl carb will likely cause a bog on bottom end, exactly what you do not want on a street driver.
Thank you for all the replies and pictures. I basically just want to make this a reliable cruiser for my daughter with just some small upgrades. However, I am in need of a machine shop here in the SoCal area that is reputable and may have been used by some members on this site. Hopefully someone else on here may have an answer. Rich
You can change the timing gear to pre-emission gears set for better valve timing. Replace heavy spring on the ignition advance plate inside the distributor with a Mr. Gasket #925D spring along with bending the tab that the heavy spring is attached inward 3/32 in.. This allows mechanical ignition timing to come in at a much lower rpm. These changes will add extra performance and gas mileage.
" ... basically just want to make this a reliable cruiser for my daughter with just some small upgrades." / ... just a few $ .02's . 'sounds like start of planned out engine build W/machine work, Fuel and Ign 'modern' upgrades and a suitable carb size, keep us updated... . for just a reliable cruiser a simple 2X1 adapter will put any suitable 2Bbl on your 200 six. Machining for zero Deck, direct mount 2Bbl, etc provides more options for performance than Reliability or durability. . plenty of simple engine and drivetrain - drivability and performance upgrade options for the Torquey' 200 six cars .. . ... as mentioned, a Stock 200 six can't use a larger carb without low end response issues. A popular option is a Progressive 2Bbl offering smaller Primary barrel for improved low end performance and a staged Secondary to add acceleration power and WOT response like 1/2 a 4Bbl ... (Weber 32/36 and Holley/Weber 5200's) . have fun . .
Obviously people can do what they want with their cars, but this idea in reality is a big waste of money and time...