Order your official 2016 MCCI Roundup Nationals T-Shirts now!!! This year we have a brand new design featuring a Grabber in stylish artwork by an award winning artist printed on the back. On the front will be the new style MCCI logo and web address. All T-shirts will be printed on high quality Texas orange T-shirts. All proceeds from the sale cover the expenses of the 23rd Annual Roundup Nationals to be held this year in Uniontown, Pennsylvania as well as other MCCI functions. Children’s Sizes: Med (10-12) Large (14-16) $15 each Adult Sizes: Small thru XL $15 each XXL thru 4XL $17 each 5XL $19 each Plus $5.00 Shipping per T-shirt if Applicable in the USA. Please inquire about International shipping rates. Three ways to order: 1) If you will be attending the 23rd Annual MCCI Roundup Nationals this year, then order your shirts NOW and pick them up and pay for them at the show! These shirts will not be available at the show unless you pre-order yours now! This way, you pay NO shipping charges. You can call or e-mail your orders to the following: E-mail: mccimembership@gmail.com Phone: (740) 835 6266 2)Send in the order form along with payment and receive your shirt by mail. Be sure to include $5.00 per shirt for shipping charges. You can send checks or money orders payable to MCCI. Please mail it to: Maverick Comet Club International 4952 Black Run Rd. Chillicothe, OH 45601 3)You can also PAY for your shirts via PayPal and pick them up at the Roundup Nationals or have your order shipped to you. In order to do this, you must submit an order form via mail or e-mail and indicate that you are paying via PayPal. PayPal address: mccimembership@gmail.com *Note: shirts will be mailed the week after the Roundup Nationals Event. To request to have an order form emailed to you: mccimembership@gmail.com We are not just taking orders in hopes of making them.....The shirts WILL BE MADE.....but once they are gone, they are gone!! These shirts are available to EVERYBODY!! (MCCI MEMBERS as well as NON-MEMBERS and FUTURE MEMBERS). Order Deadline: July 9, 2016
I ordered mine a couple of weeks ago when I got my last MCCI newsletter. Nice job on the shirts! They look great!
Won't make it this year, but I'm not gone, just hibernating. Things are getting better down here, so next year, should be there....wherever the Roundup happens to be. Have a great event!