Have not found a definitive answer to this yet. Are Mustang motor mounts and Maverick motor mounts the same? The parts catalog lists dodz 6038 B for maverick and of course the D1 or D0ZZ prefix for the Mustang 302. Reason for asking is that the NOS mounts are avaliable but not sure if they take the HP of a mild (425) engine and the Anchor mounts are just garbage. So was looking at Prothane style that lists just 302 BUT I have read that the height is different for Maverick. Help?
Maverick engine mounts (the vibration isolator) are not the same as a Mustang. The original mounts were pinned. In the event the bond between the rubber and steel failed, the pin kept the engine from "torqueing" up and causing damage. You can still find the OEM pinned ones by hunting swap meets and ebay. I have read some parts houses sell aftermarket pinned ones but I haven't had any myself. Or you can take a set of cheaper mounts (like the Anchors) and pin it yourself. Search for threads on pinned mounts or pinning mounts. There is more info on them in those threads.