Adding Media to the Media Gallery

Discussion in 'New Forum Features and User Guides' started by Stefan, May 14, 2005.

  1. Stefan

    Stefan Big Cheese Administrator

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Montreal, QC
    The new media gallery allows you to upload images from your computer, tablet, smartphone and embed videos from YouTube. Media added to the gallery can be easily added to forum posts.

    Adding Media
    To add new images or embed new YouTube videos, click on the “Add Media” button.

    Next, you will be given a choice to add the media to a pre-existing category or to a user album. When selecting a user album, you will be given the choice to select an existing album or to create a new one.

    Once a category or album has been selected, you will have the option to upload an image from your computer, tablet, smartphone, elsewhere from the web or embed a video from YouTube.

    Uploading an Image from your computer, tablet or smartphone
    From the “Upload an Image” tab, click on the “Add Media” button and browse to the folder that contains the pictures to upload. Click on the file and then click on the “Open” button. Depending on your browser, you may be able to select up to 10 images by holding down the Ctrl key upload_2014-8-3_19-54-14.png or Command key upload_2014-8-3_19-54-24.png .


    Uploading an Image from the Web

    From the “Upload an Image” tab, enter the image URL and click on upload_2014-8-3_19-55-25.png . You may add up to 10 image links.

    Embedding a Video

    From the “Embed a Video” tab, enter the video URL and click on upload_2014-8-3_20-2-24.png . You may add up to 10 video links.

    Setting Titles and Descriptions
    You can individually set the title and description for each image. Or, if the images you have uploaded have a common theme, you can set them all to the same title and description.

    Click on the “Save Media” button to add the entries to the gallery.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014

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