ok ok so shaunh is beating me over the head for a jersey get together. as i have said before, i am thinking of lunch at Mastoris Diner on some sunday. since we are still officially in the grips of winter, it will be kind of spur of the moment... please keep your sundays open. gonna wait for steve to get plates for his 73 so he can show off his new baby. uhhhh he better send in his application too... http://www.mastoris.com/ right in the middle of jersey so everybody can come. this also includes anybody who is wanting lunch at what has been documented as new jerseys' best diner no matter where you are from.
Just found this one Scott.....I just moved back in with the parents and I think the application is packed away. Maybe you and todd can stop by this Saturday morning to take a look at the 73 and drop off an application The 73 isn't gonna be moving anytime soon. The old man is insisting on helping out with the work and he is slowing it down! But with the way things are looking I can always take the 74 Comerick since the world is full of tire-kickers and ebay is full of deadbeat bidders......
Keep me posted. I started my car up this past weekend, backed it out of the garage. Then I stared at the salt on the road, let it run and pulled it right back into the garage. I told my girlfriend that I can't wait till it is spring and I can bring my car out. :bananaman
The Ebay thing I can understand there seems to be alot of deadbeat bidders. As far as tire kickers sure there are some but most of the time if you are having a problem gettin rid of something there is a reason. Price is to high for condition or car needs massive amounts of attention no matter the cost. Good luck in the sale though and I hope you all have a nice meet up there in Jersey. Keep on mavericking......
Guys, the E-town swap meet is comming up in 3 weeks. I'll be there, and I'm also getting prime parking along the track, I think it costs $10 to show your car, and you get 1 or 2 free admissions as well last I checked, don't khold me to it though. I'll be there early Saturday Morning if anyone wants to meet up at the park. Later Shaun
I'll be there....not sure what day or what time, but I'll be there. I usually try to go early sat morning. Let me know shaun....maybe a few of us can meet up at the diner for a bite to eat.
sure, go to the WARM weather Steve, I like to beat all the traffic in the morning on Saturday, so if you want to meet real early for breakfast, it might work, maybe we should go somewhere afterwards, get a drink or something, either way, I'm there, have been for the past 6 or 7 years, both swap meets, this year I actually have stuff to look for. Shaun
I will be there. I am usually one of those idiots stuck in the traffic. About 3 years ago I found a better way to approach the place with out getting stuck in as much traffic. I hope to see you two there. I always find something there that I am looking for.
Hey Shaun, I saw your car down at Englishtown on Saturday. It is looking good. I saw that you redid your seats. Looks better then blanket.... I also noticed you changed out your grill. Somerville cruise nights will be here soon and I will bring my car some night. :bananaman It was nice enough today for me to drive it to work. My co-workers love seeing it out there in the lot amongst the Volvos and BMWs. A guy with a GMC Jimmy with the paint pealing off it parked next to me to make his truck look better.