Well I broke down and bought a new fuel sender from AutoKrafters. It fit well and voila the gauge works! Not cheap, but it appears to be a good piece. I love it when a project doesn't blow up in my face!
Save your receipt. Mine just went hokey after 4 years. I don't have the receipt so they won't honor my 5 year warranty. So I can either buy another $80 Repop ... or spend $130 on an NOS ....
Mine is now OK ... see this ... http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=45611 I don't know of anyone selling them besides AK ...
well used ones sell for $30-$40 so i really dont think the AK price is all THAT bad... just my thoughts
i bought one from autokrafters back in 2004, and mine decided to take a nap. didn't have the receipt either, so.... i bought a mustang tank and sender. sooo much better... 140 for the tank and sender rather than the 80 for just a sender in a maverick. some assembly required, void where prohibited, and get a welder.
FYI ... I called them ... they are able to check sales back until Jan 1, 2004 ... so you should claim your warranty by calling them and when you get the replacement sender you could sell it and recoup some of you money ...
I know this is kind of an old thread but I thought i'd add my 2¢ I had a bad experience with an Auto Krafters Fuel Sender back in 02, or was it 03 I forget it's been so long. Anyhow mine lasted maybe three days before it began leaking fuel all over my garage floor . It leaked from where the fuel gauge electrical connector hooks up at. Bad seal or rather no seal. I sent it back and got store credit which I used to buy a few other things I needed. Looking at my latest catalog I see they've gone up in price a bit, hope the quality has improved.