Was wondering this when I was over at the fordsix forums. I know they were pretty much truck motors but I'm curious now. If it has been done, anyone know how the car handled?
I have heard its not possible and if you really wanted to it would take alot of mods. They are to long and you would have to move the radiator up.
I had a friend who had a 4.9 liter out of a F150 it takes lots of mods to do it, so far i've seen three mavs like that! but that was in Brazil
There have been other mMavericks with an I6 300 in it. My question would be why? The 302 fits right in and can be stroked to 347 relatively easy and there's definitely more speed equipment for it. I guess you would be different but after the novelty wears off you might be wondering what you'd have to do to switch back after all the mods.
Mad Frenchman: 303" straight six, high tens in a quarter. Told me he had a better 300 that would push it faster too.
it could be done with fab-work just like many of the other complicated engine drops done. you just have to have the skill and desire...
i agree, why would u swap out a 6cylinder for another 6 cylinder? kinda defeats the purpose in changing engines, dont ya think? dont get me wrong, to each his own, but the 300 isnt going to have enough HP to notice the difference, it's heavier, and harder to fit in the engine bay. :16suspect
Why would you want to? How about incredible low end torque, smooth idle, decent fuel economy with the right trans, etc. The 300 Ford 6 is a great motor. Durable, inexpensive, torquey... Whats not to like?
well since you asked: 1. dont like modifying the engine bay for anything less than a 351w 2. size.... the size of the engine will cause fitment and clearence issues 3. weight.... it's a heavy engine (the same weight as a SBF w/o the HP) 4. transmission.... a C4 never came behind these engines that i know of so you would have to run a C6 (which means trans tunnell modifications to make it fit) my carb'd 5.0 in my '71 will shred the back tires, gets 26+ mpg, idles smoother than my newer trucks, it's durable beyond belief (it's kinda hard to blow up a good 302), easy to find in a boneyard ($200-$300 all day long for a running engine w/ guarantee), and it's a V8.... need i say more about torque like i mentioned before, everyone is entitled to buy their car the way they want..... but no one can convince me that it's "beneficial" to drop in a 300 into one of our cars. it would be different, and something to talk about..... but not better
What about being different? Like how everyone has 350s in their hotrods except that ONE guy who has the turboed Buick 6...what a nut. Everyone has a 302, even me. I'd like to be that one guy at the show that has the crowd wondering what I was thinking. I'd love to have a 4 cylinder with a turbo in my Comet for gas economy and the WTF factor and if you want a six you might as well have a freaking HUGE one. Anyone ever use a MOPAR slant six in theirs or seen one done? Talk about a bulletproof engine! Looks awesome too and there is a ton of aftermarket stuff for them. It can't be THAT hard to do.
This is quickly turning into a 300 vs 302 thread. I like the idea of putting in a 300 just to be different - I love straight 6 engines. The 300 and 302 both have advantages. Personally, I like the 300 better than the 302 in a truck. I own 2 F150s - one with a 300 and the other with a 302. The 300 will out-pull and out-haul the 302 by far. I think it has to do with the low-end torque of the 300. If I have to haul a trailer, I use the 300 truck. If I'm just hauling in the truck, I use the 302 truck. But, once you get over 3500 RPM or so in the 300, you're pretty much just waiting gas. In my Mavericks, I love the 302 - but it would be fun to try a 300, just to see what it's like. Strait six performance is a whole other world that I haven't ventured into....yet.
Put a W Shaped 16 Cylinder Engine in it. They are $1,000,000 then you would have something different in your maverick.