Took the car to the Goodguys autocross this weekend. It did pretty decent for its first time out. It needs a little more tuning and a better driver to get it were it should be but that will come in due time. Heres a video I shot of my Dad going around the course. Dont let the video fool you. Its not as tame and easy going as it looks. I took a friend of mine in a ride later that day who screamed like a little girl during the first half of the run. I dont know how to embed the video so here is the link
I also saw Chris run the autocross, it was awesome to watch a Mav on the course. It was great to meet both him and his dad. Don't let him fool you though, he ran a 59.8 and the professionals with the very built cars were running low 53s. I was truly impressed with his car and all the work he has done on it. I thought he was very competetive considering some of the cars were easily very high dollar cars.
Looked good. Autocross is so much fun. Especially in cars that were not meant for this type of racing.
Awesome looks like fun, apparently you got all of your clutch issues sorted out And if it counts for anything my wife wants my car to look like yours, color and all
You guys are looking at the car when you should be watching the superior driving being displayed. I don't know who that guy is but he is obviously a professional.
Yes clutch problem is fixed... sort of. The adjuster nut still works itself loose even after changing it out for a nylock nut. The Nylon insert has just melted. Now I need one of those other pinch style lock nuts. That should hold it.
Thats good I just ended up putting 2 stainless nuts on the adjusting rod and locking them together so they wouldnt move, glad to see your up and running.
That is cool! I heard your dad "bumpin' the chip" on the second run, on the starting line straight-away.
Yeah. We decided that the fastest way around for us was in 1st. The 3.50 rear gear didnt give us much to work with coming out of corners in 2nd. It was more fun screaming around the track at 4k+ anyway.