I recently installed electric power steering in a 1966 Mustang. I did not use a kit, I simply pulled a column style EPS from a newer GM vehicle and then spliced the unit into the original steering column. The results far exceeded my expectations and the cost was less than $200. I designed a controller that automatically adjusts assist level based on vehicle speed, so that the steering feel is "just right" regardless of speed. I documented (with pictures) how I went about this on a Vintage Mustang forum. If anyone is interested do a google search for: "Best $200 mod ever (EPS)" or follow this link to page 7 where the details start: http://forums.vintage-mustang.com/mod-custom-forum/787114-best-200-mod-ever-eps-7.html#post6037649 I would imagine installing in a Maverick would be similar. Any questions just ask.
I just got a column from my cousin. picking up sometime this week or the next.and I just ordered the steering controler from e-bay. wish me luck!
that would be awesome if it worked on our cars mine gets wobbly at higher speeds going straight like the power assist is giving different pressures all of the time Ill be watching this one
I started working on my car today.it was warm and sunny. It will work but there's a lot of labor involved.
I don't know for sure. But, from what I've researched someone had asked the same question and the guy who had this installed on his Mustang said that his 60 amp alternator was doing fine. Besides you're only going to draw hi amps when you're stopped and turning the steering wheel. Once the car is rolling the unit will draw much less amps.
I ran across this same mod on a guys website that was building one for an early Nova II. Looks like a good option especially if you don't want to cut the towers and you want a cleaner engine bay.
Update time! Just finished the installation. The good: Steering wheel turns with a finger to both sides! This system has an adjusting knob that adjusts the level of assistance on the steering. It goes from off like if you had done nothing to the car to very sensitive steering. The bad: car won't self center anymore! In a sharp turn going left or right i have to bring the wheel to center my self if i don't the car will keep going to that direction. It's like if had a frozen, rusted u joint in the steering shaft. From what I've been reading online it seems to be a common issue i just don't know how bad it is with anyone else. I might replace my manual steering box for a power steering box to see if it helps. If any of you have ideas, suggestions please feel free to type it down! LOL!