I have only been able to find one thread on this topic. Has anyone successfully installed gas struts to support the deck lid? If so could you post a pict of the installation? THANKS
I haven't, but a local MMB member did. Here is a picture of his installation. His works very well, since it it tucked out of the way, on the LEFT of the trunk hinge. A very clean installation. His screen name is 77Comet.
I put a gas spring on my Falcon years ago. The Falcon and Maverick are basically the same design inside the trunk. The factory spring was in the way to squeeze the sub speakers toward the rear of the luggage compartment.
My Maverick would almost smack you in the face with the factory tension bar until I put a Grabber spoiler on it. Now it works perfect.
I have a set of used gas struts in the trunk of my car waiting to be installed, but from the looks of these guys, you are only needing one on one side? I would love to remove the stock spring. I have grabber spoiler, and the trunk is iffy on staying up ever since I installed it.
Again, looks like you guys are only installing one on one side. I guess if one didn't hold it up, it wouldn't be difficult to add on to the other side.
Personally I think the factory springs are more out of sight. I wouldn't want to have to look at those shocks every time I opened my trunk. Sorry....
i was thinking about doing a gas strut like this with one of those electrically powered trunk poppers. press a button and the trunk goes all the way up by itself. would be neat especially if you have a trunk mounted fuel cell.
the r the reason I use one is because if I put enough tension on the stock spring to hold the lid open, it holds the trunk lid up on one side when closed. if the stock spring was for both sides of the lid it may be OK.
thats actually really cool. so cool in fact that i just ordered a trunk popper kit off Summit lol. this post reminded me so i just did a little poking around and boom impulse buy haha. its okay though they are actually really inexpensive
Jeff showed me how to install one from another Ford with E-lock. it's the same as the stock one just with a popper.
this entire topic should be made into a tech article by someone IMO. the whole thing with the gas strut and the trunk popper as an option