I spent hours picking apart a 76 4 door Mav that had 51K miles and was parked in 1993. Feeling pretty beat up.... even though it is October, it was in the upper 80s with some intense sun. I guess I'm not 35 years old anymore, and some meds I am on are bad with too much sun, etc. Still, it was a blast. It ended a long dry spell here. I don't think I have pillaged a car since January, and that is spread out over 4 good sized yards here. I'll have parts listed for sale.
Jeff, That was the before pic, that I took from the yards webpage. This is how they rec'd the car. I looked at the wheelwell trim but not really in too much detail. The driver side seemed a bit flaky ... that fender was replaced at some point with another that must have been a bit rusty. The passenger side is better, I think it has a couple dings. I didn't grab either, but if you need one, I may go back. I didn't look at the rear. I suppose the rears would work on a two door ... can anyone confirm that? Paul, I looked at the VIN to make sure that it is a 76, but didn't copy it down. I had a very hard time reading it through the windshield. This leads to another question. Where is the data sticker located on a 4 door? This car was repainted, likely after an accident involving the driver door and fender. The rest of the car was solid, but those two pieces were rusty crap. Didn't find a sticker, might have been removed before paint? I get the vibe that this car was parked in a carport for a long time. Outdoors but out of the sun. Unfortunately the dash pad had one big crack in it, but otherwise looked great.
The wheel lip moldings will work on a two door as well. The data sticker on a 4-door is located on the driver's door.
I'm lucky to ever find one thats not torn apart already either lol... and whenever i do i forget what parts i needed from it (past couple trips have been for my truck)
I'm not in the market for the wheel well trim anymore. Took 3 cars and NOS parts to get my set. I know they're hard to find in fine condition
Some parts posted in For Sale .... http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/disc-brake-spindles-glovebox-lower-dash-windshield-trim.101513/