i ha a 71 maverick gt, i have currently have a 2500 under the hood. it was running fine drove it cross country. I got her all th way back to GA and she started to loose power. OR spurs of no power at all acting like the air bubbles in the fule lines. now she wont run at all, Ive re timed her several times and nothing. can anyone help.
We need more information.. Is the car getting gas to the carburetor? It could be many simple things. BTW where do you live in GA?
or points could be bad. it would explain the loss of power and the not firing now. points couldve been old before he set out on his journey and now that hes at the end of his journey theyre just plain too worn out to start? my money is on either a plugged up fuel filter or a bad set of points both cheap fixes
I'd go with clogged fuel filter, or he needs a new condenser. Those are quite annoying when they go out. And they tend to go before the points do.
Unless it has been changed; it does not have a condenser or a set of points. 75 models were the first year to have electronic ignition. It could be in that, but usually some part has gone out at once, in my experience. Many parts interchange on the 250ci & 200ci engines, but I like the 200ci engines better because of the shorter stroke.
I'm having similar problems. My car starts and runs, but she surges on me if I try to push past 70mph. I noticed it on the way home from a road trip, which I had already gone past 70 on the way up. A gentleman at a gas station on my return trip told me I might just need to clean my carburetor. What do you guys think?