Im putting new bumpers on my 76 and the absorber where it bolts to the frame the welds broke on the inside. .i can easily cut the head of the bolt off. but how would you bolt the absorber on as the back side isn't accesible has anyone else done this if so how did you repair it
Without a photo to see what you are looking at...Drill a hole all the way through the frame rail and use a longer bolt and nut. Or if you have a welder then weld a nut on a big washer and cut a hole the size of the washer in the frame rail and weld the washer to the frame. Or drill out the broken bolt and use a new bolt. Or drill a hole the broken bolt and use an easy-out
I think the best option is drill thru the frame using a bigger bolt the nuts are welded on the back side of the frame inside the box part of the frame and the welds have broken and since there isn't any way to access it ilike your solution of cutting bolt and drilling thru the frame seems that be the easist quickest fix
if you drill all the way through, some suggest to drill the hole large enough to put a sleeve in it as not to crush the frame. I drilled mine w/out sleeve.