Cleaned out my garage last night to prepare to store the Maverick from the snow. Im sure I noticed this before, but when I went to close the door from the inside I found that the pull strap seems to be coming loose from the inside. Almost like it's coming apart. Not a big deal now, but don't want to forget about it one day and pull the strap off. Any remedies for reattaching this piece?
Once it starts to break...not much to prevent it from breaking all the way. You will eventually have to replace the entire arm rest.
Ok. There is a dent in the door so maybe that caused the break. I will look it over a bit tonight to see whats up.
Going to try to remove the inner door panel to see if I can push the dent out and maybe fix the armrest. Is there a trick or tip to getting the door panel off?
I really doubt there is a dent in your door. You will need to remove the arm rest to get the door panel off. The arm rest being broke is a very common problem.
I bet your probably right. I meant there's a dent on the outside of the door and that might have caused it. I'm going to look at it this weekend for a better view cause it seems to be loose from the top part where the chrome piece is.
If you slide the chrome piece down you will see the screw behind it. This screw could just be loose or the hole could be stripped.
Looks like the plastic inside the arm rest had broke. I was able to tight it down and make it look decent, for now have to remember not to use the handle to shut the door.