Even if you mixed the correct code on that white you will not get it to match, as white will change color over time. You either can buy a couple of whites and spray a test patch to compare until you get it close or repaint the entire interior. Old white is very hard to match.
Try SEM. They make a fantastic vinyl paint that can also be used on metal. I bought their medium blue and it was a perfect, and I mean perfect, match for the original blue. Maybe their white is just as good.
Yes, SEM is great on plastics and vinyl. My point with my post was it is very difficult to touch up white. You end up doing it all.
Do you have a Marti report? Can you post up a shot of the door data sticker? That is pretty cool and has to be pretty rare.
I have multiple cans of SEM white, more than enough to do your entire interior. Send me a PM if interested. I was going to use it on my boat, but went in a different direction.
I have found that for anyone that has factory white interior like mine SEM super white looks the closest to the original color. I have painted my plastic rear arm rests and sunvisors so far and they look great. I might try my doors next!
My 73 was white exterior with a tan interior , Does sem make the tan interior paint ?. What is the colour name ? Thanks
That interior doesn't look factory original. The seats may be, but the doors and panels look suspicious. In any case, I'd convert it to all black.