What's the best way to deal with this heater line fitting on a 73, 302. Would I be able to get a totally new fitting and if so what are the odds it will snap off when I wrench it off. Thanks for your input. M.D.
best chance is to soak it with PB blaster a couple days before trying to remove it. doesn't look all that bad to start with...have you found a replacement ?
Couldn't see it in the Melvin's catalogue. I'll try our local auto parts store later this week. Do you think this available at conventional aut0 part stores? M.D.
I think they are 1/2 pipe thread a nipple tee a vac fitting and a push lock fitting for the hose will work it won't be pretty but it will work till you find a replacement spray blaster on it let it soak then turn it as gently as possible
A little trick to removing any pipe thread fitting is to tighten the fitting as little as 1/8 or less of a turn before you try to remove it .