Hi, I'm a truck driver and I see these cars along the hiways but most of the time I'm unable to stop and find out about them. Its hard to park aor turn around in a Semi. Heres what I seen. Ark. I40 west of West Memphis Ark. between milemarkers 269/268 southside a big bumper yellow Mav. Its been there for a couple of years . Westside of Itta Bend Miss.on US 82 onsouth side of road is a red 2 door Comet. Looks like its been sitting a while. Itta Bend is west of Greenwood Miss. East side of Greenwood Miss. on northside of road US 82. Its in a line of old cars is a Grabber body it looks to be primered black and gray. I don't know if these cars are for sale but some one in the area migt be interested in finding out.
Priceless info for you to share!!!! I am sure someone here will check on one of those. Guess I will check on the one west of West Memphis in a couple weeks. Dan
passinwind, good to see another fellow trucker on the board! I've seen the Comet your'e talking about several times, always wanted to stop, but never think about it untill it's too late! I haven't noticed the Grabber on the east side, I'll have to check it out the next time I go that way!
I live about 30 miles from itta bena, if I get a chance maybe I will try t ride that away and see what I can find out
Hey tried to buy that one several times, guy wont even talk, yellow 74 2dr miles marker 268..it was stolen, he got it back years ago, I'm going fix...there is sits in mud..
Thats the way around here everybody is going to restore, what that means is "I had rather watch it rot than to sell it to somebody who might do some thing with it" every body has BIG plans and little money.so nothing ever happens but rust because as we all know rust never sleeps