It's a long story, but I now have 2 Mavericks, one's a 1972 sprint, the other is a 1975 I think it's just a base model. Everyone I know is into imports, but I'm an American muscle guy. So I wanted something small I could drop an 8 cylinder in and have some fun. The Maverick being the ideal car. The one I am fixing is the 1975 cause it's in better condition, but I'm putting the small bumpers on it. My project is going to take some time, but my plans are redoing the suspension new everything, possibly rack and pinion steering, but I'm not sure yet. 302w or 351w swap, I haven't decided yet. 3.80 posi. rear disc conversion. I'm going to have it painted the silver used on the Nicolas Cage Eleanor, with custom black striping. Also black interior. Okay, here are some pictures of my cars. the rear quarter on this side is pretty rough. I will get a new one later, but I put the grabber hood on for fun. So as you can see I've got a project. My dad owns a restoration, and repair shop so that's where my car is. But I'm doing all the work.
Depends on how the '75 build goes I might restore the sprint. Otherwise I'm going to try to sell it to someone who hopefully will.
I have been reading through the forum, and I decided the first thing I'm getting is either the rc-106 or rc-107 front suspension kit. What are the advantages and disadvantages of one over the other? Also I can't find one, but I would like to do a rear coil spring conversion. Is there a kit for that?
Well you started with one big bumper/disk brake care and a solid small bumper car. Both of your look pretty solid compaired to my little rust bucket...