To avoid comments or pointing out my error on rules thought I’d ask for guidance ahead of time. I don’t want to sale .... I wish to trade my 2 door for a 4 door with them giving cash boot !! For that would I have to provide a full asking price first ??? Just kicking this around here on site for true lover of these car’s before going to another more open sale site .
Thanks for asking in advance ............... When offering up a trade, the correct classified forum to use is the "wanted" forum. You will not need to put in a price, as it will depend on the deal you can make with the trade. I would word your title something like " Trade 2 door Maverick for a 4 door + cash" - this would be enough in the title and then in your description you would want to put as much detail as possible on what you have and what you are looking for. Best to tell people to PM you with what they have to trade. A deal like this will be a bit more work on your part to find a willing trader vs just a buyer for your car but it is possible. Good luck and if you questions just ask ......
Thanks for the reply n info ! It will take the right person but time to see that this is a lot car for me now with my progressive disability issues . A good 4 door or even a wagon of a different brand may be for me to have room for my walker and future wheelchair needs. Thx again
I think you way want to give an idea of what YOUR car is worth just to save the efforts on working out a deal with somebody. For example, I have a 4-door I would estimate a value at $7000.