My side markers don't work. I used my test light on them and found that when I use a alternate ground the hazard set off the test light on both connections, turn signals did nothing on either connections, running lights did nothing on either contacts. I tried looking at the wiring diagrams, which yielded frustration and no solution. Any suggestions? They used to work, I even replaced the headlight switch which didn't change a thing which tells me the issue is else where, I hope somebody has a solution to this issue. I've gone as far as I can with this except to rewire it into the nearest corresponding front/rear signal light... Help, thank you.
This is an easy to read diagram with the wire colors. It should help!
How Ford wired the system is very confusing: DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION DESCRIPTION The parking, sport, rear, side marker and stop light circuits are controlled by the headlight switch. When the headlight switch is pulled out to the first detent, only the parking lights and side marker lights come on. When the headlight switch is pulled out to the second detent, the parking lights, side marker lights, headlights and sport lights on vehicles so equipped all come on. Maverick requires activating a toggle switch in conjunction with the headlight switch for sports lights. On all vehicles except Mustang, the side marker lights also function as emergency flashers. The side marker lights on Mustang do not flash. OPERATION On Thunderbird, Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln Continental a cornering light bulb is in the same light body with marker bulb on vehicles so equipped. The cornering lights are fed from the turn signal circuit in such a way that when the turn signal switch is activated, the cornering light on the turn side will burn with a steady glow. All Vehicles Except Mustang The side marker lights are connected in parallel with the feed circuit (from the headlight switch) that feeds the minor filaments of the front parking and rear lights. Each of the four side marker lights (two on each side) completes its circuit to ground through the dormant major filament of its respective left or right front parking light. Therefore the side markers glow with the parking lights. The side markers are on when the parking light major filament is dormant providing a ground as described in the foregoing. When the turn signals are activated however, the major filament of the turn-side parking light is fed intermittently for turn signal operation. This intermittent feed interrupts the side marker lights’ circuit to ground causing them to go off. As a result the affected side markers for the direction of turn selected will flash alternately with the front parking/turn signal lights. The side markers on the opposite (non-turning side) will continue to glow steadily. The turn signal system supplies an intermittent feed to the major filament of the turn-side parking light as described in the forgoing. The same circuit also supplies and intermittent feed to the side marker lights (on the turn side) but flowing in a reverse direction from that supplied by the headlight switch when it was on. The two side marker lights complete their circuit to ground through the dormant minor filament of the turn-side parking light. Thus the side markers and front parking lights flash simultaneously with each intermittent feed. The lights on the opposite side remain off. The emergency flasher sends intermittent power to the major filaments in both parking lights, thus interrupting the ground circuits of all four side markers. As a result, all four side markers will flash alternately with the parking lights. Micah
I wired mine off the power for my tail lights. The "right" way? Nope, but they work. If you can figure out how to do it the right way it may save you hassle later.
71Mavrk, That is confusing so what I'm getting from that is that the side markers only operate as turn signals is when the headlights are on?
On the 74 Maverick, the marker lights do not flash with the turn signals, at least mine don't! The link I posted (post 2) will be the right diagram for your car. Scroll down to your year (74), and trace power along the brown wire. If I remember correctly, there is a connecting plug somewhere in the harness in the front of the car that feeds the parking lamps and the marker lights. This may be corroded being the cause of your problem. You also may have corroded sockets for the marker lamps. The wiring itself is usually not a problem, unless someone has been cutting and splicing it.
I pulled the description from my '72 service book. Not sure if they changed the function in 74. I cannot see why they would, but who knows. Micah
I wish I could confirm that for you but my car is in pieces. Maybe someone else can. I cannot remember. Micah
On my '70, which is original wiring: Headlamp switch off - side markers and directional flash together Headlamp switch in parking lights or full on - side markers and directional flash opposite each other Hazard 4 way works the same - side markers and directional flash opposite each other when the parking light or full on is activated by the headlamp switch. It flashes together when the headlamp switch is off. ******************** My experience with lamp problems is 95% a ground issue. I have even had front directional that lost there ground between the socket and the housing for the lens due to rust sneaking into the groove where the 2 pieces are pressed together. When I sand blast off a used housing to repaint them, I tack weld the bulb socket to the housing to prevent loss of ground from this hidden corrosion.