So I changed my oil today and this was the results: Magnetic plug looked fairly decent. Very small amount of graphite gray extremely fine metal particles stuck to it. Oil coming from pan looked really god Oil in filter had small amount of the same graphite. Other than that everything looked fine. Once I added fresh oil and filter I let it run for a minute or two and then checked the level...... When I checked the level I could see a very faint swirl of water (milky swirl ) just enough there to notice if you are really looking hard at the oil. I have had a coolant leak on the intake from the heater core line and the temp sensor location.......they have been very minor and I'm getting ready to pull the motor so I havent bothered addressing them yet. It is enough for the coolant to seap out and collect in the valley where the intake and head meet up...... I'm guess that is the source of the leak. The motor maybe has 400 miles on it. The heads had been looked over and freshened up by the machine shop and brand new head gaskets were installed. I did re use the bolts as they were not torque to yield and followed all torque sequences and specs when installing. It's such a small amount I doubt it is a cracked head or block or head gasket leak. I couldn't even see it when changing my other oil it is only noticeable when checking the dipstick...... course after typing that now it seems that the closest possible coolant source to the dipstick would be the timing cover and water pump..... guess that also could be it. Any advice or ideas?
The threads silly name lured me in. That graphite looking material is from the bearings. Having any.. and especially too much water in the oil isn't good for bearing protection. Which is why you must shut down an engine once the gasket lets go or the bearings will get wiped. If that external leak is somehow leaking down into the valley and crankcase from where you say it is?.. then you surely have an internal manifold gasket leak as well.
This may shock you, but look in the bottom of your empty oil bottles and you may see milky looking scum in there! I think moisture gets in the oil when it is bottled! A good run will get the engine hot enough to evaporate the moisture and what "Krazy" said is true also! Just running in cold weather will produce moisture.
Better than my '96 F-150 I bought late in '12... It had a little oil, in the oil pan(less than a quart)...
I pulled the engine today to get it ready for the 74 maverick. Found some oil that seems to have come from the dip stick tube??? It appears it came out of the top of the tube and lightly coated my heater core lines and the top of my alternator. Posting this here on the off chance the slight amount of water in my oil and what appears to be blow by from my dip stick tube could both mean I need a fresh set of head gaskets. Original gaskets where el cheapo from a kit so if i have to put new ones on I will go with more quality set. Any ideas?
I'll say not likely on head gasket... Oil pushed out of the dipstick is due to excessive crankcase pressure(severe blowby) or by a inoperative PCV system that also allows condensation buildup...
Didnt consider that Krazy Comet. I did pull my pcv from the carb vac and blow and suck on it....... no comments guys..... LOL It seemed to be working but I will just go ahead and replace it since its a few bucks. Thanks
Nice save I'm going with condensation. A long time ago I noticed sediment in new bottles of oil.. Some even have a swirly look as it mixes .. I been trying not to let the sediment portion of the oil into the fill. I have a big jug I let the smaller ones drip into. After a while of sitting I have top off oil and again, I dont let the sediment flow in.
Krazy Comet is right. Blow by that pushes out the dipstick tube is a sign the rings aren't doing their job. Perhaps with only 400 mies on the motor they aren't broken in yet? And like he said, you need to have your pvc system working properly.
Guess that also would make sense. Not what I'm hoping for. And it probably doesn't even have 400 miles on it. Ifni sat down and did the math its probably got under 200 miles on it lol. Anything I can do to help break the rings in??? Stupid question I know.