So I got a new Fluidampr harmonic balancer and it has 2 sets of timing marks. So which set am I supposed to go by?
Would you beable to cross reference with your OEM damper?? Line up both dampers keyways at 12 o'clock and compare which set to use? Possible 2 sets of marks, one for timing marker on Pass side and other for Driver side? David
I've seen 'em with three sets, two on passenger side(offset maybe 20* from each other) and one on drivers... I believe that's to cover some of the later EFI engines('91-'93 T-Bird, '94-'95 Stang, etc) that have a different timing cover from any of the earlier engines...
Well, neither set of timing marks line up with the marks on the stock balancer. Not even close. I'm pretty pissed. That thing was expensive.
Blame Ford for making things ridiculously complex with three sets of timing marks. My Summit balancer had all three (A,B & C) timing indexes. It figures that the one that lined up with TDC is located at the worst area to see the marks when setting the timing. If neither of your index marks line up with TDC, you might consider buying a self adhesive timing tape.
Sorry to hear about your damper, any chance of returning it for refund?? or do you need a new damper? Years ago, I purchased a fluid damper made by CAT Power Engine Parts, model HBF302 w/28oz. counterweight, SFI rated, everything checked out fine, only thing different where threads to attach the crank pulley, 3/8-24 fine instead of the OEM 3/8-16........ David
My timing cover is from a 1975 302. Do you know which location the pointer would be (A, B, or C)? Obviously the timing marks for the driver-side pointer are not going to be an option, but I read that there is a 10-0-clock position and 11-o-clock position for the passenger side pointer.
Well I dunno of any differences between passenger side pointer location other than the '91-'93 T-Bird & '94-'95 Stang I mentioned... When I get a chance I'll look at my '96 F-150 5.0 & 'spare 5.0 from '98 Explorer(never had a engine that late apart)... The stock replacement balancer now on my 306 and used with orig '72 timing cover was prev on my 5.0 T-Bird with a '87 cover... No issue with timing marks...
For grins I looked at the Comet 306, the 331 going in the T-Bird, 5.0 F-150 & the Explorer 5.0, all have the pointer at approx the 11 o'clock position... Seems stupid of Fluidamper to not include that set of marks, no doubt are the most common by far...