I have a wire coming off the alternator cable. It's black (with a connector in the middle?) and has a small metal connection on the end. Ignition switch? Regardless I don't want to turn on the Mav without this in!
On the first picture on the base of the alternator you can see the wire coming out of the main cable wrap. I just have no clue were it connects too, I took it out to test the alternator and I think I disconnected this poor guy when I pulled on the cable.
Hope this gives you an idea...looks like it goes to the regulator, but dont take that as true, someone may have replaced it with a different color wire Id check all 5 places that the wires runs to above, theres bound to be one place missing a wire to the alternator.
Only problem is I can't see were it would go, I check the wiring and everything that should be there IS there.. On the other hand it doesn't look like I have an electric choke. No connector.