Alright, so first off, Its nice to be back and working on my car once again. Anyways here is my update: *Cowl Panel is almost done, needs one more coat of filler and primer *Aprons need one more coat of filler and primer *I have started a template for a firewall panel that will go behind the motor and hide a few wires as well as the brake lines *I have purchased a Painless wiring harness..s and have routed the front half of the harness and have decided the general location of the new fuse box location. *I have moved where the wires will go through the firewall and moved the exit position to the outer portion of the firewall on the opposite side of the aprons which will allow me to hide the wires out of sight much better for a cleaner under hood appearance. *I have also started boxing in my core support, the lower section is nearly done and I hope to have have both the top and bottom sections welded in tomorrow. And yes, the garage is a mess. good thing im only working on the front half at this time.
Its the 10201, the have a $150 rebate going on right now, It has more circuits than you will probably ever need, but i figured at least I may be able to use them for other purposes if i deiced. But it looks like it should work great for piratically anything , wires are plenty long enough to go pretty much anywhere.
Not a problem. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, I know it comes with a kit for high amp alternators as well as fan relays, electric fuel pump, even power door lock and window wires if you wanted to go that far.