Unless you're planning to rebuild it...

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Posted by Ron S. (IP: on July 17, 1999 at 10:50:28:

In Reply to: Should I be conserned with all the grime built up on my Valve cover and lifters, ect...? posted by Michael Haertel on July 17, 1999 at 02:08:42:

...I would suggest NOT taking it apart to simply clean it. You said it's running good and has no apparent problems right? The best thing (in my opinion) to do for now is keep "fresh" oil and filters in/on it 'til you rebuild (when the oil starts looking 'dirty' on the dipstick, change it AND the filter). "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"...Oh yeah, and a word of caution about the oven cleaner 'trick', make sure you don't get it on ANY electrical parts, it will cause MANY electrical "headaches"...voice of experience speaking here...it's a long story ;-)

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