Should I be conserned with all the grime built up on my Valve cover and lifters, ect...?

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Posted by Michael Haertel (IP: on July 17, 1999 at 02:08:42:

I had an oil leak at my valve cover, when I pulled the cover off I found a very think layer of oil and god knows what else...It felt like somebody took a bunch of dirt, rust particals and metal particals and mixed it with oil until it became glue. It's extremely rough, and I'm conserned about what the rest of the engine looks like, and if I should pull apart the lifters pushrods ect...and clean it all up, or is it something I can put off till I can afford the time. I'm currently in the process of cleaning the inside of the valve cover, I need to go get some more cleaner. Anybody got any suggestions on how I should proceed? I feel I should pull it all apart, but I've never gone that deep into an engine...being that this is my first car. The engine runs well, It's got new plugs, a rebuild carb, new oil and fuel filter, and an oil change when I get the valve cover back on. Everybody who has replyed to my questions has been a great help, thanks for takin the time to answer my questions!

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