Re: Building a Convertable Mav

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Posted by T.L. on January 26, 1999 at 14:08:25:

In Reply to: Building a Convertable Mav posted by Mark on January 26, 1999 at 12:09:51:

All I got to say is; "you got guts'...

: OK. I am kicking the I dea of building the convertable Mav. If I decide
: to go through with this, I swill be using a 1971 Mav. I have access to a
: body shop and my younger brother has the skills to pull this off. Here is
: our idea.

: We decided that the easiest thing to do would be to take the complete top
: off of a 1965 through 1972 for small convertable. The fron pillar and
: winshield all the way to the rear window.

: Here is the Help I need.
: Does anyone know the smaller convertables available during those years.
: does any one have any exact measurments for the interior of the Mav?

: Off the top we think the rear window has to go. Also, we are thinking
: that a fiberglss hard top willl be the easiest fabrication possible.
: Any thoughts.

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