Leaf question...close to the end of the month.

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Posted by Mavman (IP: on December 26, 1999 at 20:41:41:

What kind of advantage will I get outta "NEW" 4 leaf springs?

When I step on the brakes, the car sways back and forth. Something that seems like "Rear Steer"??? I have done a complete brake job, except for the Master Cylinder, which I picked up Friday(Disc Brake Master). This brings another question...the car has stock front drums. The 73 came with a 6 cyl, but now has my 289. I looked at the fittings on the original master cylinder, and they are opposite those on the disc master cylinder. Do I need to get the lines from the prop valve to the master cylinder off of a front disc car? I do plan on changing over to front disc, but not yet. Any help, or suggestions would be appreciated!!!

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