Posted by Brian ( on April 14, 2001 at 02:21:39:
Okay guys, the problem eith my car was...(drun roll)... the timing. Apparently, over a period of a day, the timing setting it's had since I put her back on the road four weeks ago had became really retarded. I advanced my timing about 10 degrees and all seems fine. Seeing as this is a fresh engine (maybe 650 miles on it), is it normal to have to go back and reset the timing after a break in period? Sorry if it is a stupid question, but, this is my first rebuid and I am learning new things every day.
Next question is for anyone who knows anything about Mallory Hy-Fire (the original one)ignition systems. A friend gave me one to use while my Accel 300+ is out of commission. We are both unsure how to wire it up. It has four terminals (no wires) on it labeled as follows
[ T ][ G ][ + ][ - ]
[ R ][ N ][ ][ ]
[ I ][ D ][ ][ ]
[ G ][ ][ ][ ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ] <--- (Screw Terminals)
Some I have figured out. The +/- Coil is self explanitory (I think..).
The power wire for the box should also go on the Coil + terminal.
I do not know what they are looking for for the GND. With a wire hooked up to the GND terminal, I can make the box throw one helluva spark by touching the GND wire to the chassis. Any ideas as to what goes there? I don't think it is chassis ground because the case of the box acts as ground...
Th TRIG terminal I think is the distributor trigger signal. But, which of the three wires do I use. The black wire is ground, so I don't think I use this one (unless it goes to the GND terminal). That leaves the black/purple and black/orange wires. Which one or how could I find out which one?
Keep in mind, this box is probably in excess of 8 years old and has been around the block a few times. Age not withstanding, it does seem to throw one helluva spark (certainly more than the Ford EEC IV on it right now) and I would like to use it until my replacement arrives from Accel. Mallory has no information on thier website abou anything this old and tech support is a joke. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!