Posted by Ken ( on February 14, 2001 at 18:52:53:
In Reply to: Won't start... posted by Brian on February 14, 2001 at 18:18:46:
: Okay, after only a year and half, I am finally trying to start my rebuilt 302. I am having no luck. I have spark, I have fuel. I am wondering if my timing is off or I have the wrong firing order. I am using an Accel 300+ box, Performer RPM cam/intake combo (cam is 4 deg advanced). I have a good ground on the engine block, I just can't seem to get the engine to fire. To set the timing, I rotated the engine over until the intake valve closed, continued until the piston was at the top of the stroke (used a long screw driver in the #1 s.p. hole), put the distributor so the rotor is right at #1. Still, no fire. Any ideas?
Based only on your report I can't tell what is wrong but only give the areas that need to be re-looked at. Cam timing chain and marks line up when installed? Was the eccentric fuel pump drive cup installed over the cam gear? Is the distributor rotating when cranking the engine? What happens if you drip some gas into the carb ,is there an attempt to fire?
Somwhere in the checks the problem will come to light. Let us know what is happening. And be carefull when putting gas in the carb and not to much and no spill on the outside.