Posted by John B. ( on January 15, 2001 at 19:09:32:
Jim; Good to see your name on the board again. You probably taught me more about Mav v8 stick conversions than anyone else. Thanks for that. I'd be interested in hearing more about how you fabricated that bushing from pvc. I bought the Perogie bushing, but I'm still a good year from getting it all together. In the meanwhile, I'm still scouting around for the best possible set-up for when the time comes. Do you have that Tilton set-up up and running? I've heard of others that have gone hydraulic, but I got the impression that you lost a lot of the clutch feel with it.
Both of you; What do you think of my idea of manufacturing a z-bar that uses a Mustang set-up (bushings, ball, etc.) on the engine side?
q-ship331; Thanks for the explanation and the numbers. Please keep us informed about your progress and if you go ahead with the "severe duty" z-bar. That would be my preferred way to go too, possibly with that Mustang bushing? I'd also be interested in those diagrams and measurements, if you were willing to share them. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Best wishes to both of you. John B.