Posted by johnnymaverick ( on January 27, 2001 at 19:27:14:
In Reply to: mav still won't start posted by Larry in Westy on January 27, 2001 at 17:33:09:
: The other day, old guy confirmed how to cold time my 302 Mav. Not only
: did I do it to the letter, I replaced points, coil, rotor, condensor, still no go. This in an after market 302 and I think this is part of the problem. I couldn't find the timing scales on the balancer or the crank pulley, nor could I find the pointer, if any on the block. any ideas other than call someone to come and pick it up and fix it?
: HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!
i am not sure about this and if i am wrong someone let me know. i think that the timing chain could be wore to bad to get it in time. i have had people tell me in the past that you can actually advance all of your spark plug wires one position on the distributer and that will give you more movement with your distributer and you might be able to time it by ear. if i am right and it works you know your chain is stretched. if you do it by ear my suggestion would be to have someone hold the throttle at 3000 rpm and adjust timing by ear.advance until the idle goes up, retard until it misses real bad somewhere in the middle will be pretty close. i hope it works! if not sorry.