Down but not out... yet....

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Posted by Paulie (IP: on October 14, 2000 at 09:25:29:

Before I take another step I NEED your knowlagable advice...
Jimmy came to look at what was left of Alice... Not good.
I have a cross member, motor mounts for the v-8 and effectively NOTHING else left of my car... almost everything from the engine compartment is gone.
I have the master cylindar for her 4 lug drums, an alternater and voltage regulator, and steering capabilities, amazingly enough, they were the few things not removed/missing.
I have a driveshaft on the ground and a 2" exhaust (so much for the 3" that I wanted) a radiator and fan shroud.
NOTHING else (other than "before" photos of her engine compartment) and the slow burning desire to maim and kill.
I was looking at a 77 mustang (strong 302, c-4 on the floor) but jimmy doesn't know about the compatibilty factor...
Would it make a serviceable doner? Is there enough there to justify buying it? Should I look for another different doner?
Will her drums be usable for the 302? Can her stock rear end handel it? If not, other than another Mav/Comet, what are the Best most usable doners?

I don't want to give up on my Alice but I've reached the end of my rope.

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