Upgrades to your Maverick???Everyone please answer.

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Posted by TParker (IP: on October 19, 2000 at 14:10:20:

Hi all I have been in contact with a specialty shop that want's to get into producing upgrade kits for the Maverick, like the Mustang guy's have. For instance, disc break conversions, front suspension conversions(removing the shock tower and new suspension), 8" to 9" swap, subframe conectors, engine upgrades(302 improvments, 351 conversions, 4.6L installs, 5.4L installs, V10 install, 429-600 install), transmision upgrades(T-5, Tremic 5 speed and 6 speed, 4 speed auto, 5 speed auto, 6 speed auto). He is very interested in how many people are interested in doing these kinds of conversion and would like them in a kit form. Please let me know what kind or kinds of convertions you are interested in and what kind of price range you are willing to spend for a complete kit for that conversion. He would like me to write some aticles for the IMCC to publish in the newletter about these convertions and Kits that he is going to make. He has a 71 Grabber that he is planning on doing all of the conversion I mentioned on, with a final car that either has a Triton V10 with 800hp or a 600ci aluminum 429 with 900hp in it when he is done. But along the way he is going from stock to mild to wild and wants in put from use on which kits we want mass produced. We also have been talking about showing these conversion on a web simel cast while they are taking place, with questions answered live. Let me know what you think and what you want.
Thanks Todd

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