gotta agree with Craig

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Posted by 74merc (IP: on October 22, 2000 at 03:21:53:

In Reply to: Re: Upgrades to your Maverick???Everyone please answer. posted by Craig Selvey on October 21, 2000 at 08:41:03:

AOD tranny crossmember and all parts required to put a T5 in there, with or without Zbar, with or without pedal, with or without tranny.
Tremec would be preferred if we have to purchase a tranny.

: I would say the most likely things people would be interested in and actually buy would be:
: 1. AOD tranny crossmember
: 2. Clutch pedal linkage to put in a 5-speed
: 3. Tranny crossmember for a 5-speed

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